after long time of absence, i finally return. i was triggered.
i went to see Bluebeard's castle in the opera house.i was so?
few months ago i prepared for Peter Otvos's masterclass- kekszakalu..(Bluebeard's`s castle).
i was very lucky , because i had few readings into the libretto before i prepared the music itself.
my most lucky reading was through woman eyes.that was my 1st reading. unfortunately i started reading all the material around it and got carried away with Balasz Bela`s explanation of the opera, and got stuck with that in my head and forgot all about my first encounter.until i saw it in the opera house - in its new premiere.
only then i realized how much important is the reading through a woman`s eyes. and how this demonstrates the duality and its contradiction in Bartok`s style.the counterpoint of ideas.which is in the center of his musical language.
the opera was played twice that evening:
the 1st time from the man point of view.and this is the most common machoistic, how narcissistic the man can fragile.
and the 2nd time from the woman odd,strange. how fragile the womane is.
in the 5th door , imagine that from the woman point of view, after Bluebeard is forcing her to open the 5th door( yes, he is using force), he gives her everything, but this everything is actually empty....there is absolutely nothing there in the big hole that can attract her.
if you get this meaning, how can you portray it musically?
this is one of the most important features of this opera. the prosodic line - and its way to paint it musically.
how did the conductor(Adam Fischer) do it?
just for example- the same 5th door- can sound on that point either powerful (using detache , portamento etc) and Judit replies very fast or
false(using molto legato and less forte than the f1st time it was played) and Judit takes her time to answer and sings her part slow.
her reply is the part the actually defines the real meaning of the Duke`s present- the kingdom.
i leave you to think about it.